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Holiday Tree Decorations

Published: December 11, 2020

Fellow Neighbors,

The HOA board would like to invite all members of our community to place one (1) ornament on the Holiday tree within the center of our community. This tree is located at the intersection of Collin Street and Grandview Avenue on the southeastern corner. The HOA board has already added multi-colored lights to the tree for the holidays but would like to add a few more items of festivity to our holiday tree.

Please choose one (1) ornament that uses an alligator style clip or wire tie method of attachment. Ornaments that are hung by string will likely fall caused by windy weather.

Please maintain social distancing guidelines when placing your ornaments on the tree.

We will announce a future date to request everyone to pick up their ornaments.

Happy Holidays,
Northpointe Crossing HOA Board

Northpointe Crossing HOA

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