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Assessments are due October 1st

Published: September 26, 2017

As you know, our Assessments are payable each quarter in January, April, July, and October. Timely collection of Assessments from our homeowners is vital to Northpointe Crossing in order to meet our budget and promptly pay the expenses of the Association when they become due.

Assessments paid between October 1st – 31st will accrue no late or collection fees. Any payment received after October 31st will be subject to late and collection fees and additional collection actions.

Please click on the payment link below or visit our homepage on the community website at to make a payment.

If you have any questions, please visit the community website and click on the ‘contact us’ tab to submit your questions. A prompt reply to every inquiry will be sent.

Northpointe Crossing Homeowners Association, Inc.
Associa PMG L.P. Managing Agent

Associa PMG - Pay Your Dues Online   Essex HOA - Pay Your Dues Online

Click on either image to pay your dues online

Northpointe Crossing Homeowners Association

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